
Government has different strategies in building e-Governance, correctly stated, e-Governance utilizes ICT technology to accomplish reform, eliminating distance between the common man and Government policies and empowering the citizens of a state. Government is making significant investments through various plans like NeGP for providing proactive ICT enabled services to the citizens. These developments have improved not only information delivery but also delivering the ICT technology right to the doorstep of the citizens. In most cases Government implement e-Government projects in phases and continue to build a successful structure.

E-governance initiatives have created tremendous business opportunities for us. We have rendered our expertise in various government projects spanning Civil Supplies, Transport department, Election Commission, Rural Development, Provident Fund, Education, Administration, Human Resources etc.

The Service Profile covers 

  • Public Distribution Systems
  • Computerization of Road Transport Authorities
  • Photo Identity Cards, Smart cards and Citizen Identity Cards
  • IT Infrastructure & related Facility management of Government Department
  • Citizen Surveys and Data collection initiatives
  • Employee Benefits data management such as Provident Funds
  • Social Security Benefit management
  • Electronic Records Management and workflow systems
  • Electronic Libraries
  • Land Records Management and Registration of purchase and sale
  • Human Resource Management Systems
  • Scanning and Digitization 
  • Commercial Taxes computerization
  • Integrated web-enabled Civic information delivery systems
  • Turnkey IT services for specific Government departments
  • Grievance Redress System